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Payment Options

CEPCO is pleased to offer the following methods of assessment payments for your convenience:


1)     One-Time Payment:   You can make a one-time payment of your assessments through either e-check or credit card via the "Pay Assessment" section on the Association's web portal.    

When paying by eCheck, no additional fees will be assessed.

If you pay by Credit Card, a processing fee of 3.25% * of the payment amount will be charged.  
(*=Processing fees are subject to change as directed by card vendor).

2)    Recurring Payments:   Owners can set up Online Recurring assessment payments by entering either e-check or credit card information on the Association's web portal.    

3)    Automatic Debit (ACH):  Automatic Debit can be set up by request to CEPCO.  Your assessment payment will be automatically deducted from your checking account during each assessment period.  To enroll in this feature, a completed ACH Form and a copy of a voided check is submitted to CEPCO, 1628 Doctors Circle, Wilmington, NC 28401 or via fax (910) 395-6229.  There is no charge for this service.

4)     Lockbox Service:  When paying your assessment by check, please make sure to make it payable to the Association (not CEPCO), print your account number on the memo line and include the payment coupon with your payment.

5)     Bill Pay:   If you choose to pay your assessments using an online bill payment service or pay online through your personal bank’s online payment service, you will need to document your account number on the memo line. Please make payable to your Association and not CEPCO. In addition, please allow sufficient time for the service provider to process and mail to be received.

© 2018 CEPCO

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